Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 had its official worldwide reveal in June. We welcomed back the familiar faces of Task Force 141 with plenty of gunfights and explosions. A day later, we got a peek at some gameplay during the Summer Game Fest where a campaign mission was shown off. Although we haven’t heard much on the multiplayer side, we do have the dates for the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer beta.

During the Call of Duty League stream on Championship Sunday, Infinity Ward revealed when the beta will go live on each platform. We also got a first look at a map that will feature in the beta and the full game at launch.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta dates

The Modern Warfare 2 beta will bring the action for roughly two weeks. As Call of Duty is still under PlayStation exclusivity, only PlayStation players will have access to the beta during the first week. However, week two, which begins on September 22, will allow you to access the beta on or Steam with a beta code. Then, on September 24-26 the beta will open for all players to take part in.

One of the 6v6 maps that will feature in the beta is known as Marina Bay Grand Prix. The map takes the fight to a Grand Prix racing track equipped with moving vehicles. Also, Infinity Ward states that the beta will go beyond the core 6v6 experience that we may expect. Therefore, it’s safe to assume we’ll get a taste of different game modes and map sizes.

Remember, pre-ordering Modern Warfare 2 will grant you early access to the beta. It also gives you some in-game cosmetics and more. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has its full launch on October 28, so fans don’t have much longer to get their hands on the game.