Destiny’s weekly events will be getting a huge overhaul with the launch of The Taken King, Bungie has revealed.
In a blog post, Bungie went into detail about the changes that will be coming in year two, kicked off with the launched of the huge The Taken King expansion.
Firstly, the dedicated Weekly Heroic Strike is gone in favour of a Vanguard Heroic Playlist. In order to take part in these playlist, they’ll have to be level 40, the new level cap for The Taken King. Players will also receive Legendary Marks upon completion of the first three weekly Strikes, as well as a guaranteed Legendary Engram upon the first clearance each week.
Next up is Nightfalls: gone is the EXP-multiplier buff and the death of all players no longer boots you back to orbit. Instead, players receive a 30-second penalty upon their demise, like in Raids. As with the new Vanguard Playlist, players will have to be level 40 to play.
“Our desired Nightfall experience is the weekly ritual where you get together with your friends for a test of thumbskill and allow players to optimize for gear,” the blog post reads.
“Burn skulls motivate weapon rotation and now the Burn resist talents found on chest pieces will rotate armor.
“The death penalty of being kicked to orbit often leads to players feeling forced to play too safe, rather than running through the world as a monster killing machine.
“Another thing we didn’t like about the Year 1 Nightfall was how players could feel forced to play Nightfall as early as possible in the week to maximize the benefit from the Nightfall buff. So, we’ve shelved that buff until we can reform it into something closer to its original intent – a mark of prestige for having achieved something challenging. We’ve adjusted sources of XP and Reputation up to account for its absence.”
The Taken King launches on September 15.
Source: Bungie blog