Destiny franchise director Luke Smith has shed some light on where the folks at Bungie are at now they’ve split from publisher Activision.

In the developer’s weekly update, Smith first thanked Activision, as well as support devs High Moon Studios, ‘for their wonderful collaboration on Forsaken,’ and Vicarious Visions for helping to ’establish a Destiny community on PC, worked with us on Warmind, and who is currently readying their Destiny swan song with content that will appear in the upcoming Season of [Redacted].’

Smith said that the team is hard at work on the content that’s scheduled to be coming as part of the annual pass. He added that the studio ’learned a lot from Black Armory that we will apply to future releases, most notably that we’d like the beginning experiences of content drops to be a better point of convergence for the playerbase.'

Lastly, Smith addressed Bungie and Activision’s partnership coming to an end. ‘Bungie is committed to Destiny. We created the universe and we hold its future entirely in our hands,’ Smith said. ‘The vast majority of the team is hard at work envisioning future experiences, enemies, and ways to play the Guardian you’ve been building since 2014. We’re going to keep doing that. '

‘We’re thinking about what it means to be truly independent, what it means to self-publish, and crucially, what Destiny’s future can now look like for our players. '

The next 12 months and beyond is going to be pretty wild for Bungie and Destiny 2 players, but here’s hoping that this works out for everyone involved.