Over the years, Destiny 2 has seen a lot of content come and go from new expansion quests to other activities more for the cooperative or competitive crowd. However, one criticism that Bungie has never been able to shake is the fact that not every mode in the game comes with matchmaking capabilities. In fact, most of the more difficult activities such as Raids and Nightfall Strikes are notoriously limited to premade fireteams, forcing solo players to venture outside of the game to find other players to join. With new content and quests pushing players to take part in non-matchmaking activities, players have once again begun to voice their opinions on how to fix this concern.
Instead of simply asking Bungie to simply turn on matchmaking for things like the Nightfall or legendary Sundial, one Destiny 2 player on Reddit has proposed alternative ideas to keep the spirit of the powerful activities but open it up for more players to take part in.
While Raids are a different beast entirely, requiring heavy team communication to progress, these ideas are more geared towards the Legendary Sundial. The mechanics are essentially the same as the normal version not requiring a heavy dose of team play. One idea would be to set a minimum power requirement in order to queue up at all considering how familiar most players are with the activity already.
The post has seemingly generated enough buzz to catch the attention of Community Manager Cozmo23 who took the time to explain a few things to the community. Before tackling the matchmaking question, Bungie first considers how much coordination is going to be required for the activity. For the Legendary Sundial, the extinguish modifier, locked loadouts, and champion characters all factored into the decision to cut matchmaking. However, with all of the feedback given in the thread, Cozmo confirmed that he’s going to pass it along to the team.
Part of the issue the community has with the lack of matchmaking in the current state of Destiny 2 is due to the time limited and seasonal Seals and Triumphs. As one person notes, being forced to use a LFG app or program online rather than in the game hurts the feeling of accomplishment, especially when 98% of the other triumphs were earned through normal play. Another user proposed an either or system, where a triumph has two different solutions, as an alternative way to help Bungie achieve its goal of letting Destiny 2 players play how they want.
Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.
Source: Reddit