Another not Friday Thursday has arrived, and you know what that means. Yes, the Epic Games Store is once again giving away a game. Today, Dandara: Trials of Fear goes free on the service. The 2D Metroid-like (or Metroidvania if you prefer, but I like my choice and I’ll doggedly stick to it) includes the Trials of Fear expansion which released last February on the first anniversary of the base game. Now, nearly a year after, you can enjoy the entire package without dropping a dime. Next week, EGS is putting For The King on offer.

Dandara: Trials of Fear stars a young woman with some hops. Her name is Dandara, naturally, and she possesses the power of telling gravity that she doesn’t give a damn. Taking place in the world of Salt, you leap from surface to surface, dodging attacks while seeking the best angle to dispatch enemies. As is the case with most Metroid-likes, Dandara has you moving through rooms, facing off foes and environmental hazards alike. I unfortunately haven’t played it yet, but the gameplay looks zippy and flows nicely. The plot also includes hints of mystery, in a world no doubt full of hidden secrets.

As mentioned, the Trials of Fear expansion came was added to the game for free last year. It includes additional content of course, such as new areas to visit, more powers and a new ability for Dandara, more music tracks, and a hidden ending. The DLC itself offered quite a lot for free, and today you get Dandara and Trials of Fear for the same price together. It sounds like a good deal to me.

For the Salt, For the King

Next week for your free games watch list is For The King, which will be given away on the Epic Games Store on February 4. For The King is a turn-based combat game steeped in strategy. It’s also a roguelike that includes online co-op play, so you and a buddy can work together, fight together, and then argue about who is to blame after a humiliating loss.

Like Dandara: Trials of Fear, this version of For The King will include all expansion content. According to the its EGS page, this covers “Dungeon Crawl, Frozen Expanse Adventure, Gold Rush Un-Cooperative Mode, Into The Deep and more.” It sound like a solid package overall, but you have to wait a week until it’s available to download.