Borderlands 3 players are going to face a number of challenging obstacles as they shoot and loot their way through Pandora and worlds beyond. These obstacles vary greatly, but some of the greatest of these are Borderlands 3’s bosses, the larger-than-life personalities who are more than willing to put an end to any player.

For many, this starts with Mouthpiece, the speaker for an apocalyptic cult and star of Borderlands 3’s first true boss fight. If players want to see what the rest of the game has to offer, they’re first going to have to go through him, his body-shield, his “Apocolyte” minions, and the damage-dealing speakers lining the edges of his techno-flavored arena.


The Mouthpiece fight is located during Chapter 3 of Borderlands 3’s campaign in the mission “Cult Following,” which involves retrieving a Vault Map from the Holy Broadcast Center. Players receive this mission from Lilith and follow her lead to Ellie’s Garage. From there, completing a series of vehicle-related objectives will lead players to the Holy Broadcast Center, where they’ll find Mouthpiece.


Aside the minions he summons, the thing players should be most mindful of while fighting Mouthpiece are the speakers, which he can use to dish out a lot of area-of-effect damage. As the battle progresses, he fires off more speakers each attack, until it fills up the entire outer edge of the arena. However, the speakers light up as they charge their blasts, so there are enough visual cues to give players an idea of where they need to move their Vault Hunters.

Because of the speakers, there are few places where one can stand without the risk of quickly getting hurt. Players are going to have to keep moving, taking whatever shots they can at Mouthpiece’s when they can get around his shield.

The Apocolytes are also going to have to be dealt with as quickly as possible, but players are going to want to keep at least one or two alive at all times, since killing an enemy in BL3 can revive a Vault Hunter should they be knocked down in battle. So long as they are patient, doing all this will eventually lead to Mouthpiece’s defeat.

As for which of Vault Hunter is best for this fight, solo players might want to go with Moze, as her Iron Bear mech makes it possible to just walk up to Mouthpiece and just lay some serious damage on him in the brief window of invulnerability before the mech is destroyed. Players may also consider Zane, whose Digi-Clone ability can direct enemy fire away from them. Whichever Hunter they choose, players will want to make sure they are at least level 6 before challenging Mouthpiece.

Borderlands 3 is available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Google Stadia version also in development.