Ever since news came to light of a Bluepoint Games remaster for the PS5, fans have been wondering what the new project will be. One of the more hopeful theories being a potential remake of the PS1 classic, Legend of Dragoon.

Bluepoint Games is a company that is widely known for its work on various remasters of older titles. Within the last decade, fans have seen several classic game franchises beautifully remastered and perfected for next generation systems, such as the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, Gravity Rush Remastered, and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.

However, their most successful hit was the 2018 remaster of the critically acclaimed Shadow of the Colossus, which following its release, Bluepoint Games’ president and co-owner Marco Thrush commented on creating another Triple-A quality remaster of an older game. Since then, there has been all kinds of fan speculation with one of the leading possibilities being Legend of Dragoon.

Though, based on a recent revamping of Bluepoint Games’ website, it seems less likely now that fans will receive the Legend of Dragoon they have been hoping for. When talking about its current project, Bluepoint Games described it as being the largest project in the company’s history and will “define the visual benchmark for the next generation of gaming hardware.” This news, along with the recent PS5 event leak, could mean that Bluepoint Games could be working on a completely original project or remastering a different game.

This will likely come as a shock to most Legend of Dragoon fans, despite the fact that the demand for a remaster definitely exists. The original petition for a Legend of Dragoon remaster has just under 20,000 signatures, so there are certainly fans out there that want to see this game get the Shadow of the Colossus treatment. Not to mention, a remake of that size and scale could also introduce many new players to an underground PS1 classic.

Then again, this could potentially mean that a remaster of Demon’s Souls might be in the works, given the recent leaks and the demand for it. When talking about the new project, the company said that the company would “define the visual benchmark,” which obviously refers to graphical and visual capability. In terms of remakes, what players tend to value most is how well the game looks on a newer platform, so it seems likely that Bluepoint’s next game could be a remaster. Fans will just have to wait for the PS5 reveal event to find out.

The Legend of Dragoon is out now for PS1.