Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is one of the few Kickstarter projects led by a big name in the gaming industry, Koji Igarashi, that delivered on what it promised: a throwback to the Castlevania games of old. The game has also been continuously updated with multiple pieces of new content since release. The most recent update brought Classic Mode, throwback to old school Castlevania games. However, Classic Mode had a secret only recently discovered. Hidden within is 1986 Mode, and it requires a familiar cheat code to unlock.

Classic Mode has been out for a few weeks now, but nobody had discovered its secret mode until just recently (cheers, IGN). The way you unlock the Bloodstained 1986 mode is also decidedly old school. When on the Classic Mode menu, you must enter the Konami Code. For you whippersnappers out there (ow, my hip) that’s: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, and then X and B if you’re using an Xbox controller, or square and then circle for a PlayStation controller.


Travel back in time

You should then see 1986 Mode selectable at the bottom of the screen if the code was input correctly. This mode makes the game even harder than Classic Mode by adding more restrictions. Basically, it makes the game play like the original Castlevania — which came out in, you guessed it, 1986. In 1986 Mode you cannot backflip, sidestep, or slide. Your jump arc is also much more restricted, and you are essentially committed to your leap before you even leave the ground — so be careful.

You also cannot jump off or on stairs, so walk up and down them like a civilized person. The extended whip is unavailable, and you cannot stand or crouch once you use your whip. Again, like the classic games of yesteryear, you are committed to your actions. So, make sure you buy your jump arc a nice engagement ring. The best part is that Classic Mode is completely free. If you are a fan of the classic Castlevania games and somehow haven’t played this yet, hop onto Bloodstained and brave its challenging 1986 Mode.