In a new Overwatch blog post, Blizzard has teased the community further about the character Doomfist. In a ‘Times of Numbani’ news posting, it’s confirmed that Doomfist had indeed escaped from the Helix Security International’s maximum security installation with the help of Reaper, one of Overwatch’s playable heroes. Reaper you terrible bastard, you.

After defeating over a dozen guards, Reaper freed Akande Ogundimu, also known as Doomfist. For those of you up to date on your Overwatch lore, Ogundimu was a part of the Attack on Numbani incident that led to the destruction of the newly introduced OR15 robots and the theft of the Doomfist gauntlet. Now that he wields this gauntlet, Ogundimu is known as ‘the Successor’. Which all sounds rather perturbing. It’s all kicking off at Helix, eh?

That is not all though. The post hints at other possible Helix Security International prisoners escaping. Whilst none of these prisoners were named, the post notes that Helix officials would not clarify, but that ‘sources have indicated that it is likely that there were further security breaches in addition to Ogundimu’.

Blizzard has been teasing Doomfist’s existence for a while now, and this is the first indication they’re ramping up to a full reveal. Given how long the introduction of other new characters Sombra and Orisa took, we’re still probably a way off seeing Doomfist in all his glory. All I do know is that shit has actually gone down, Doomfist is out, and so are more baddies, it seems.