Dreams, the new creation system game for the PS4, allows players to create anything and everything they can imagine. For many players this ability has manifested in recreating other games, like the incredibly accurate recreation of Fallout 4. But for one player who wanted to really test the limits of imagination, it’s allowed him to create a horror game set in the world of the classic 90’s sitcom Seinfeld.

Seinfeld, which first aired in 1989, is famously known as a show about nothing, as many of the episodes are just about the general day to day life of its cast. It is one of the most popular sitcoms of all time, and to this day it’s almost impossible to turn on the television and not find Seinfeld on at least one channel. So does Seinfeld make sense as the location for a horror game? Not really, but that didn’t stop one intrepid Dreams user.

The level starts with the player character, Jerry Seinfeld’s nephew, wandering around a recreation of Seinfelds apartment from the show. The apartment is impressively accurate, although slightly less impressive than the photorealistic Dreams levels. Walking into different rooms causes the Nephew to talk out loud, each of his lines referencing an episode of the show. Once the nephew crosses the hall to Kramer’s apartment, the player encounters what appears to be a murderous doll. The player must run away from the doll, down the hall and into an elevator, at which point the game ends. A full walkthrough can be seen below.

What makes this level awesome is how it takes something we’re all familiar with, but flips it, and presents it in a whole new context. It’s a bold, weird, and strange vision, but it’s a vision that’s fully realized. It would be really impressive to see this level ported to virtual reality once Dreams becomes VR compatible.

This Seinfeld level is exactly the kind of content that can only be created on a platform like Dreams. Dreams reaches its full potential not when it’s being used for remakes or memes, but when it’s used by players to make truly original content.

Dreams is available now for PS4.