As if anyone needed more content on launch day beyond the actual game; All of you greedy, greedy Commander Shephards should be happy to know that BioWare has put to rest any rumors that they will be charging for Mass Effect 2’s launch-day DLC. A few days ago, they hit their official twitter feed in an attempt to bring joy to all of the good boys and girls eagerly anticipating the game:

Addressing rumors: BioWare will not be charging extra for any new Mass Effect 2 content on launch day. More DLC details next week.

Well, that is a relief. As much as I like to kid about being greedy, I will bust out my wallet and purchase just about every single thing BioWare releases. They could honestly start dropping Krogan beauty tips DLC, and I would be first in line to doll up my space toad. I am happy to see this, though, because I was a little dubious about paying for DLC on Dragon Age: Origin’s launch day.

Yes, I know the games are finished and begin testing way before they come out, which gives the team time to work on things for DLC, but it just puts a wee bit of a negative spin on what should be a glorious day. So, I applaud you, BioWare, for giving me even more content to ignore my wife with. And for free!

Mass Effect 2 will release for the PC and Xbox 360 on January 26th.