Visceral has revealed all nine multiplayer maps due to be included at the launch of Battlefield Hardline.

Set across a variety of locations within the US, Battlefield Hardline’s online mode will see cops fighting it out with robbers in a bank vault, an underground marijuana factory and an LA mansion set high in the Hollywood Hills.


The heart of downtown Los Angeles is a jumping environment – the streets, the buildings, the cars – are all open to criminal deeds. The police have shut down the city center, and a heated confrontation is about to break out.


Money is the root of all evil. The criminals are plotting a ruthless assault on a high-security bank vault. But, they messed up and triggered a silent alarm and the police are jamming to the scene of the crime.


What looks like a liquor store and bail bonds office, is actually a front. This is home to a notorious criminal ring. The police know better than to enter The Block without backup.


The small desert town of Joad is off the beaten path and well-known for meth trafficking problems. The cops have had enough and are on the scene to shut it all down.


A mansion high in the Hollywood Hills looks ripe for a little crime. The criminals have started a wildfire in the nearby hills to distract the police. Do you think that’ll work?


The cops located an illegal underground marijuana grow operation. The cops are raiding the place, but the criminals aren’t going down without a fight. After all, this is precious cargo for them.


A drug smuggler’s haven, this high-tech and expensive island crib is being ransacked by the police. A chain of small islands is connected by bridges and waterways, providing multiple access to it.



Florida is not all sand and beaches. Deep in the heart of the Everglades, a fracking site has turned into a battle playground as the cops and criminals wage war against each other.

EA has yet to announce its DLC plans for Hardline, but expect to see a similar Premium service to that found in earlier titles Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4.

Battlefield Hardline launches on PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on March 20.
