Banner Saga 2 will release on PC on Tuesday, April 19, Stoic has announced. The game is available to pre-order now on Steam for £13.49, or in a Deluxe Edition containing the game’s soundtrack for £17.09.

Set shortly after the events of the original game, Banner Saga 2 sees players return to the series’ hand-painted, Viking-inspired world to continue their adventure, with choices made in the first game deciding who is dead and alive in the sequel.

The game promises enhanced visual effects, improved turn-based combat, and a new race, the Horseborn.

“Being a small team and working on something we love is both amazing and challenging but we’re finally here with Banner Saga 2,” Stoic wrote on Steam. “Thank you all and we can’t wait to get you folks in game!”

Release dates for the PS4 and Xbox One versions have yet to be announced.

Source: Stoic,