Bandai Namco has released a teaser trailer for a mysterious new game called Projekt1514. Developed by Dimps, known for its work on the successful Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series of games, Projeckt1514 will at least partially take place in a war-torn environment, where the world is clearly in the midst of, or even recovering from, a huge battle of some sort. 

Currently little is known about this new title other than the fact it takes place on a military battlefield where bullets, shots and dark atmospheres will be key elements of the game. Could it be a versus-fighting game of some sort? That certainly seems to be one of the many rumours circulating as a result of what’s been seen so far. I’d quite like it to be a current gen Time Crisis though.

Alongside the release of the teaser trailer, a Projekt1514 website has gone live where you can register your interest in the game and join its community.