Okay, so by now you are probably tired of hearing about a new video game console iteration. We understand the tech world is always changing and adding new bells and whistles. Deep down, many of us know those console companies could have likely included some of these abilities in the original console. However, we see how the game works, so it is was it is. Xbox has recently released two new iterations of the Xbox One, the S, and the X. Today we will be talking about the new features the X brings to the gaming world. This new console is touted as 40 percent more potent than any other gaming system currently on the market, and smoother and faster gameplay. These are all things that gamers can get behind. However, is it worth it to take a look at this new console?

According to Microsoft, if you are looking for an immersive 4K experience with faster gameplay, then this console may be the one for you. While graphics and speed are essential, there are other factors gamers need to weigh in taking a look at a new console: entertainment features, online connectivity, and any associated drawbacks. We are here to give you the scoop on Xbox’s latest console. So sit back, relax, and take a look at our list of the 25 awesome things you did not know the Xbox One X could do.

25 Record If It’s Real…

The Xbox One X has made participating in sharing videos or recording streams a lot easier. Capturing moments during gameplay is as easy as pressing one button. Gamers have the option to easily record the last thirty seconds of gameplay in video form. All they have to do is tap “X” and then tap it again to stop the recording. This action is fantastic for a situation where you did not anticipate making an epic play or doing something significant your friends would never suspect. Because of this system, you are never at risk of missing out on your best gaming moments. How awesome is that? So, seriously, when are you going to start that gaming channel? You have no excuse not to at this point.

24 Get In The Know Before Anyone Else

Something is refreshing about knowing about new gaming titles or privileged information before anyone else. Being the forward-thinking company that they are, Microsoft is adept at trying new things. So, it would also make sense for the company to want to try out these new games or applications on gamers. To do this, Microsoft created the preview dashboard where players can try out new Xbox features and apps before anyone else can. You are probably reading this now and wondering where to sign-up. Unfortunately, it is invite-only. You can only acquire access to this dashboard by making a friend who already is a part of it. So, it is time to get down to some serious friending. Otherwise, you will have to hear about new features through the gaming grapevine lamely.

23 Free Games Are The Best Games

What if you aren’t the only gamer in the home? What if you have a little brother or sister that is always harassing you to play? Heck, what if your mom just really loves Halo? What options do you have? Do you still have to give up your sign-in credentials and have one person logged in at a time? Nope! The Xbox One X has an excellent feature that allows you to share your gaming credentials with others through your Xbox One Account. This enables two people to use one account at the same time or for two people to sign in on the same account on two different consoles. If players create a roaming profile on the shared internet network, then the fun can be shared with the whole family. Nice! You never have to hear the famous “what is the password,” yell again.

22 Take Care Of A Frozen Screen

One thing we can appreciate about Microsoft is its attention to solving problems. You likely have tons and tons of games, programs, and applications running on your dashboard. This could create the common problem of a frozen screen. Ugh! Trying to get to Madden or FIFA, and you have to deal with a screen that just won’t budge. It looks like you are entirely out of luck. Well, we will let you in on a little secret that will help you out in a pinch. To refresh the dashboard, players need to hit the left and right trigger buttons and then press the “Y” button while on the main screen. Now, you can get back to what matters, owning those fools on the Gridiron (or soccer field).

21 Create The Perfect Xbox Home Screen Experience

Your dashboard is your virtual home. Therefore, it should have everything you need for it. However, what if you are surfing on your computer and see an application or program you want on your console home screen? Again, Microsoft has come to the rescue and made it easier for gamers to connect their PC and gaming experiences to one. If a gamer has a favorite web app, they like on their dashboard they can select the “Pin To Home” button to pin it to the home screen. This way they can access it on the Xbox home dashboard. Hmm, this thing is so intuitive, why would you ever not want to connect your online and Xbox One identity? On second thought, should we be scared about the amount of intrusive of this system? Hmmm.

20 Commit The Unthinkable

An extra HDMI port is like an insurance policy. You might never need it, but it is a nice thing to have if you ever do. The Xbox One X HDMI port allows gamers to run any capable device through it. One that many probably did not think of is the PS4; gamers can run the console through the Xbox One X. There might be some aspect ratio and graphical weirdness, but in theory, players can do this. The port is likely designed for those who want to use a television stick or tuner. Whatever the reason, make Sony a little miffed by sharing a photo of you running their console through the Xbox One X. Maybe they will finally jump on the cross-platform gaming.

19 Enjoy The Games Of Old

This might be one of the most popular entries on this list. When a new console comes out, what is one of the first questions gamers ask? Can they play old entries on the new system? Most of the time, players are left disappointed with the answer. There is likely some catch that is more trouble than it is worth. Microsoft has come the closest to fixing this problem. The Xbox One X asks like an emulator where gamers can play their favorite titles from the Xbox 360 and original Xbox without much fuss. Players just need to make sure they already have the games to play with. The games can be digital or physical. Considering how much these consoles cost, this should be standard.

18 Play On The Go

Again, gaming is much different now. Back in the day, it was good enough to sit in front of your television and play games. Now, people like flexibility in how they game. Much like the PS4, gamers can stream games directly to their PC or tablet. All players have to do is enable game streaming, log onto Xbox Live on the tablet or PC and then pair the controller to it. At this time, gamers do have to be set up with a secure network to do this, so it is unlikely that players can go to a common area (like a coffee shop or park) to play. But this is nice if you are going to a friend’s house and don’t always want to take the Xbox One X with you. However, with the cloud capabilities and account sharing, you have multiple options for playing on the go.

17 Control Your TV

Other video game consoles do this, the PS4 and Nintendo Switch give players the capability to control their televisions. The Xbox One X does the same thing for TVs with this ability. All gamers need to do is sync their televisions with the console. This way when players turn on the console it automatically turns on the TV. It would be so awesome if we could do this with everything in the house. Why can’t we sync this thing up to the refrigerator? What about the car? It would be amazing to control your washing and dry cycles with the press of a button. Temperature control a possibility? Come on Microsoft, really connect the internet of things on this one. We will immensely thank you!

16 Cable…Schmable!

As mentioned above, gaming is now a multi-faceted experience. Remember when players were awed that the PS2 could play DVDs, or that newer consoles could have movies downloaded right onto them? Well, it was inevitable that we would get to the point that gamers could now watch live television on their consoles. The USB ports of the Xbox One X open up a wide variety of capabilities. Users can use the console as a digital receiver if they purchase by a USB tuner antenna. That way they can capture television from big broadcast stations. What else is pretty cool about this capability is that users can download live television. It will be interesting to see how things like television continue to evolve when it comes to consoles.

15 Plan Your Next Netflix And Chill

It’s no secret that consoles aren’t all about video gaming. Systems like the Xbox One X have become entertainment centers where people can watch movies, download music, or even watch cable television (more on that later). Unless you have been under a rock, you have probably heard the phrase “Netflix and Chill,” we will leave the definition of this one up to your research if you haven’t. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you have a “friend” over, and you need something to watch on Netflix, this trick can help set the mood. Users can pin their favorite Netflix shows to the dashboard ahead of time, much like other apps and programs. Don’t waste time having to find something to watch, pin it in advance.

14 Finally, Enjoy That 4K HDR

One of the most surprising things about the Xbox One is that 4K HDR graphics were not an option. Most gamers care about graphics and how the game looks on screen, and rightfully so. It makes total sense! Well, The Xbox One X finally allows players to play and record in 4K HDR, something the Xbox One did not approve. Most consoles and corresponding televisions are moving toward 4K HDR, and it makes sense that Microsoft would do the same. Gamers are looking for an immersive experience that does not take away play or loading speeds. It seems like Microsoft has outfitted the Xbox One X to handle this seamlessly. If graphics are looking this clear now, what can we expect in the next few years? We are betting on holograms.

13 Reconfigure How You Play The Game

Much like the PS4, The Xbox One X and previous versions of the console are aware that not everyone likes their buttons in the same place. First person shooters and RPGs might require different access to controls, so Microsoft wisely fixed this problem and dealt with the situation. Gamers can remap their joystick buttons to have the best levels of comfort and control. Who says one button should always allow characters to jump or shoot? The gaming experience is all about customization and allowing players to do what feels comfortable to them. Consoles that follow this principle are usually a favorite with gaming fans. Even though this add-on is a little simple, it can go a long way in satisfying gamers. Nice job Microsoft!

12 Don’t Let Console Limitations Get In The Way

We all knew this day was coming. The day where you could finally play a game with a friend, regardless of what console they had. The time has finally come. If players have an Xbox Live account, they can play certain games with friends who are on PC. There are even some games that also support cross-platform play with the Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, Sony has become the odd man out and has not endorsed this option in many of their games. However, for now, it is good news that you can still own your friends on games like Minecraft or PUBG, even if they are on a PC. It is an excellent idea for the gaming community to unite. Consoles shouldn’t stop friends from being able to have a great time. So, Sony…get with the program!

11 Finally..Stop Talking About It And Start That YouTube Channel!

We touched on this earlier with another popular gaming stream site, but Xbox seems to be open to making the video game streamer’s life a lot easier, regardless of the platform. Much like with Twitch, the Xbox One X has a capability to connect the Xbox One App to YouTube seamlessly. This allows gamers to upload their playthroughs without having to use an extensive amount of equipment. Now, attracting fans and getting your name out there is going to be all on you. However, the Xbox One X makes video game streaming easier than ever. Whether you want to do it as a hobby or eventually turn it into a gig that can make you some cash, Microsoft is ready to get you where you need to go.

10 Show Your Skills To The World

Know how much of a “selfie” and “look at me” culture we live in, you would think that one of the first capabilities Microsoft would install in their newest console would be the opportunity to take clear and quick screenshots. Unfortunately, they did not get the memo. The Xbox One had a hard time taking screenshots on the first iteration of the console. Now, gamers can easily take screenshots with a double tap to the home button and by pressing “Y”. We know how much you want to show up your friends and be the envy of your gamer community. Finally, the “Kings of Hardware,” figured that out too. There is even a capability where you can save your screenshot as a wallpaper…nice!

9 Take Away Those Nasty Long Game Install Times

Want that new Far Cry? Well, it’s going to take a while. The time it takes to download these games nowadays makes you wonder if all the graphics and new technical bells and whistles are even worth it (you come to resoundingly find out that they are after the game gets going). On The Xbox One X, you can speed up that download time a little bit with a trick. Gamers can speed up the installation process by pre-loading games or by disconnecting the console from the Ethernet cable and then re-establishing a connection as soon the console comes back online. This should get you into the game a bit faster than you thought possible. Be careful; you might end up eating up that drive space.

8 Put That Smartphone To Good Use

We live in a world where gamers can use multiple screens in their gaming experiences. Players can use smartphones, tablets, and computers to enhance the experience. Sony and Nintendo have already jumped on the bandwagon to provide smartphone and console sync capabilities. Microsoft has followed in their footsteps and done the same. Players can turn their smartphone into a remote control for the console using the SmartGlass App. It can more easily navigate the console and the internet browser within it. If you do not have a smartphone, you aren’t out of luck for innovative ways to control the Xbox. Players can use the Kinect or voice commands to navigate the console. The future is now people, but seriously…get a smartphone if you don’t have one already. Those things are amazing…so we heard.

7 Get Your Video Chat On

What is sweet about Xbox is that it is very tightly synched to the internet and behaves like a computer in many ways. Seriously, Microsoft is at the helm…so why wouldn’t it? While the PS4 may have the graphical bells and whistles, the Xbox One X knows how to integrate web applications to create an experience where you can switch from gameplay to website surfing seamlessly. One benefit of this is that players can video chat with friends using the Skype video app. If you have the Xbox One app, then many premium features are now free, players can have up to nine other friends on the line. You can talk to grandma while playing Grand Theft Auto or Skyrim. You may want to turn down the audio though for obvious reasons.

6 Give The Gift Of Streaming

Ten years ago, who in the world would have thought that gamers could make money from putting their gameplay online? Who knew that a large part of the public enjoy watching people play games, and will also donate money their way in the process? Crazily enough, the day of video game voyeurism is here, and everyone is cashing in. Some prefer YouTube, while others love to jump on Twitch. The Xbox One X makes it easier to stream on both, especially Twitch. Players can easily stream their games on the video platform without needing any extra equipment. Also, Xbox is the only platform that allows gamers to watch other streams on other gaming console platforms. See, Microsoft is all about sharing the streaming experience with everyone.