The big boy is back in town–and he’s brought a friend. Last night during the final fights of EVO 2018, developer Bandai Namco revealed that both Astaroth and Seong Mi-Na are headed to Soulcalibur VI.

Longtime series fans have no doubt been waiting to see if the mighty golem and nimble pole-weapon wielder would at last show up. Seong Mi-Na has been a series staple since the original game, Soul Blade. Astaroth came a little later in the sequel Soulcalibur, but his strength and brutality quickly made him an easy favorite. And he still has that…thing (his heart? a stash of gummy worms?) on his chest, complete with a large cross-shaped scar.

This makes 17 confirmed warriors for Soulcalibur VI. According to what we know, there is still one more character to fill out the roster. The next fighter, however, won’t be someone with whom we are familiar. No, he or she will be a new character to the series, joining the broody (and totally super edgy) Grøh as franchise newbies.

The news was reported via trailer. In it, we see Astaroth have a jolly good time using his massive battle ax to beat the stuffing out of his hapless opponents. In one move, we see him send poor Mitsurugi sliding along the floor before hitting the arena wall. Seong Mi-Na, on the other hand, is Astaroth’s polar opposite. Once more equipped with her naginata, she uses grace and accuracy to cut her opponents down from a distance.

While this is all good and exciting, I still have one question. Where the hell is my man, Cervantes? I hoped that by now we would have heard some word of the infamous dread pirate making his entrance. Alas, it seems he may be shuffled into one of the four remaining character slots set for DLC and released at a later date–if at all.  Let’s hope that patience is rewarded.

Soulcalibur VI is set to launch October 19 for PC and consoles.