Ubisoft has revealed the live action trailer, I Am, for Assassin’s Creed Origins. The trailer was directed by Daniel Wolfe, who’s previously directed Paulo Nutini’s Iron Sky, that one popular Duffy song, and the well-received film Catch Me Daddy. The trailer shows how one man can help shape a nation by hiding in the shadows, and standing on roofs.

I Am tells of the birth of a myth, or something like that. A time when an idea transcended a mere man, the might of armies and even countries. Actually, it definitely was something along those lines, and the narrator even spoke of being part of a secret group… a secret creed. Like an Assassin’s Creed.

The live action trailer shows the beginnings of an uprising against those in power. We see a snake in a bed, a floor covered in fish, a man drowned in a bath, and an obscene amount of of pomegranate. Maybe it’s a sign that he of the creed needs his five-a-day. I’m not sure, all I do know is that the video ends with lots of angry people carrying torches, while a man watches them from a rooftop, and now I want to eat some pomegranate.

Assassin’s Creed Origins will be released on the PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 27.