The Apex Legends Stories from the Outlands continue with a prelude to the next season, titled Escape. This story focuses on the origin of the next character joining the Apex Games, Ash. You’ve heard her hosting Arena matches, and you’ll be very familiar with her work if you played Titanfall. In the next season of Apex Legends, you’ll finally be able to play as Ash and wield her lethal blade.

Ash wasn’t always Ash. Before her transformation, she could be seen lurking in the background of Horizon’s origin story. She was an attentive sidekick but turned into the betrayer. So, the two Apex Legends characters will surely trade a few spicy voice lines.


It turns out that the mysterious voice asking Dr. Reid if she had acquired that crystals Horizon was after wasn’t the only one pulling her strings. Ash was always lurking in Dr. Reid’s subconscious. In Ash’s origin story, we get a glimpse of the war raging inside her head. And much to Dr. Reid’s surprise, she may not have been as in control as she thought.

In two minds

When her body was mortally wounded, Dr. Reid’s mind was transferred into a robotic body. The transformation required strength and willpower that Dr. Reid didn’t seem to have. So, Ash took control.

It appears that Pathfinder was the one who found the body Ash inhabits in Apex Legends, and Horizon was the one who brought her back. Just before Ash overpowers Dr. Reid’s consciousness, it is revealed that the not-so-good doctor knows what happened to Newton, Horizon’s son. And the plot thickens.

Ash’s Stories from the Outlands video ends by revealing that the Escape launch trailer will release on October 21. The only additional piece of info we know about the new season right now is that it will include the release of a new SMG along with the new Legend. The gun is called the C.A.R. SMG, and its unique selling point is its versatility.

While you wait, you should check out the Apex Legends Halloween event currently on the go in-game.