Respawn Entertainment has revealed its next character coming to Apex Legends in Season 11, and it’s Ash from Titanfall 2.
Ash was formerly known as elite Pilot Ashleigh Reid, who was almost killed in an event prior to both games. Her mind, however, was transferred to that of a robot body on her request. By the time of Titanfall 2, she was a member of rogue mercenaries the Apex Predators. After her defeat at the hands of Cooper and BT in that game, she was partially rebuilt by Hammond Robotics. Lately, Ash has been running the game’s Arena mode, but now her body has been found and she’s keen to join the games herself.
The new Legend will be part of Apex Legends upcoming Season 11, entitled Escape. While full details are to come later this week, we do know it’ll also include a new weapon in the form of the C.A.R. SMG. There’ll be a new ranked season and Escape battle pass too, of course. As to what else we can expect, we’re only teased that a storm is brewing. We’ll have to wait and see what that means.
Ash will be the second legacy character since the debut of Valkyrie back in April. You can check out her origin short, entitled Ashes to Ash, in the new Stories from the Outlands video below. There’s no date for Apex Legends Season 11 just yet, but with the full reveal of Escape round the corner, it’s probably safe to assume it’ll be here around November.