Comic book publisher Dark Horse is taking the Legends from the Apex Games and creating a spinoff series called Apex Legends: Overtime. The Respawn Entertainment team does a good job telling the backstory of the Legends through the Tales from the Outlands series. Still, a comic book should be a lot more robust in its storytelling.

The Apex Legends: Overtime story will bring all 16 characters from the game together, while also further exploring the Apex Legends and Titanfall universe. The personalities and goals of some of the Legends are considerably different. It will be interesting to see how they all work together. Undoubtedly, there will be some disagreements and conflicts along the way. Mirage and Crypto look like they’re in a standoff with Revenant in the cover of Apex Legends: Overtime #1 below.


Apex Legends: Overtime will be a four-issue limited series with the first comic releasing on June 2. It is written by Titanfall veteran Jesse Stern and drawn by Neil Edwards – who you may know from Assassin’s Creed. The series will be available in both digital and print formats.

Fighting on the same team

According to the statement from Dark Horse Comics, the series will pull the Legends together to rescue the city from the sinister grip of The Syndicate, which is attempting to fix Apex Games matches. If there’s one thing that people can rally against, it’s cheaters.

The city in need of aid is Solace City. You may remember it from the secret room in the Caustic Treatment Town Takeover. While fighting The Syndicate, the Legends will also go up against assassins and mad scientists. It will be interesting to see how Caustic fits in with that particular group of bad guys.

This isn’t the first time Dark Horse has published an Apex Legends comic. Previously, it released Apex Legends: Pathfinder’s Quest, which featured the friendly robot interviewing its fellow Legends.