Respawn Entertainment senior writer Manny Hagopian recently released a series of teases for fans to figure out. These teases were to help fans discover what Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Easter egg that Hagopian added in Apex Legends when the latter launched. Now, one fan has managed to figure it out, and it involves JFO’s Greez Dritus and Apex’s Mirage.

There’s a lot to Mirage in his Apex Legends lore, ranging from his love of porkchops and dating profile to a rather peculiar-named grandfather. This Easter egg connects his grandfather and the family recipe of porkchops to Jedi: Fallen Order’s Greez Dritus, as the grandfather’s name is Gryz Witt. Given the spelling, Greez and Gryz, it’s not hard to see how the two relate.

Even more, each Respawn Entertainment character has some relation to food. Gryz Witt’s recipe for the porkchops, for example, loosely relates to a scene of Greez Dritus talking about cooking dinner and pouring copious amounts of salt onto his food. Both clearly love food. Now, this connection may be weaker than the name, but it was something likely thought of around the same time to hint at the Easter egg between the two.

Regardless, it’s an Easter egg that fans of both games may appreciate, and it’s not surprising considering that both games share a developer in Respawn Entertainment. As such, it’s likely been a good year for Respawn, as Apex Legends surprise launched in February and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order launched just a few weeks ago. The former has been going strong since then, with just a few shortcomings in the battle royale genre, and the other has been hailed as one of the best Star Wars games for quite some time.

As of now, one can hope that Apex continues to innovate in the battle royale genre, and Jedi: Fallen Order is the start of a sub-franchise, not a one-off. After all, the ending to Jedi: Fallen Order leaves plenty of room open to be explored in a sequel, but only time will tell.

Apex Legends & Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order are out now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.