Apex Legends dives into Season 4 in less than a week, and Respawn Entertainment has started peeling back the curtain on what players can expect for Season 4: Assimilation. Today, Respawn debuted the official Apex Legends Season 4 trailer in all of its brutal glory. This piece will be discussing information from the trailer, so make sure to watch it below before progressing any further to avoid spoilers.
Clearly, the trailer is meant to highlight Revenant and his brutal killing ability, but there is another major focus of the trailer: the girl. To set the stage for the trailer, it’s worth noting that these events take place roughly 25 years prior to “present day” in Apex Legends. This is well-before the brutal murder of Forge on live TV and the break-ins at Hammond Robotics. In the trailer, Revenant carries out a hit on this girl’s father (and killing her mother in the process), leaving her orphaned. There are several clues in the trailer that may identify the young girl as the rumored Legend Loba (also labeled as Rosie in the game files).
Who is Apex Legends’ Loba?
Not much information was known about Loba lore-wise until today. Now thanks to this trailer, fans have a good idea about Loba’s backstory and why she may be coming to the Apex Games. While Loba’s real name is currently unknown, it was revealed that she was the daughter of a famous thief, Marcos Andrade. He was a thief-for-hire and made his family’s fortune by stealing precious items for wealthy clients. That was the case until a hit was placed on him, which the new Apex Legends character Revenant carried out. During the attack, both of Loba’s parents were killed by the powerful simulacrum, leaving Loba the sole survivor of the brutal attack.
The name ‘Loba’ is Portuguese which translates as ‘Female Wolf’ - making perfect sense with the gift that she was given during the trailer. Since it is shown that Loba’s family speaks Portuguese, it’s a pretty easy logical jump to make. The item in the box appeared to be the head of a cane, which could very well be her heirloom when she is added to the game.
While the trailer ends with the shot of Loba over her father’s dead body, her story continues if players dive into datamined information, as some of her abilities and descriptions piece together what happened in the 25 years after her parents’ deaths. With Forge killed off, unless the Forge body-double theory is actually true, then Loba may be in line to be the next Apex Legend after Revenant.
Loba Abilities and Ultimate
To start off, it’s worth mentioning that the information in this section is datamined information - data pulled from the source code of the game and not actually confirmed by Respawn at the time of writing. The files are in-development so things may change or be removed between now and whenever Loba is introduced to Apex Legends.
In the datamine, Loba is listed as the “Translocating Thief,” clearly taking up her family’s business after the passing of her parents. Loba’s abilities revolve around loot, as her kit allows her to locate and collect loot with ease. One of her abilities is a Translocation Disc, which Loba can throw and then teleport to, much like Somba in Overwatch. This will allow Loba to gain an advantageous position in gunfights and potentially turn the tides, but it remains to be seen how she ranks against the best characters in Apex Legends.
What makes her kit more interesting is her affinity for finding loot, as Loba can see nearby loot through walls. In addition to that, Loba can pick a type of loot (Weapons, Armor, Health/Shields, Attachments, Backpacks, and Ammo/Ordinances) and that type of loot will be revealed to Loba. This ability will let Loba know how approximately how many of that type of loot are nearby as well. Her last ability (and likely her ultimate) is called the Black Market Boutique. The Black Market Boutique is an item Loba places which pulls all nearby loot to the device, allowing for her and her team to either hide or pull loot away from enemies.
When is Loba Coming to Apex Legends?
Season 4 is shaping up to be the most interesting season in Apex Legends by far. Revenant’s surprise reveal clearly shows that Respawn is making sure fans get a surprise, so there is always a possibility that there are still some hidden plans currently in motion that fans are blissfully unaware of. There is always a possibility that a second legend may join Revenant this season. Many fans theorize that Forge would be making a surprise comeback if the doppelganger theory is correct, but now there is the possibility that Loba may be coming too.
Her files in the datamine seem very fleshed out, and only minor tweaks have been made in the past several months, so she may be close to being ready. Whether that means she will be coming in the second split of Season 4 or the beginning of Season 5 remains to be seen, however. Season 4 clearly seems to have a heavy revenge focus, so thematically it would make perfect sense for Loba to make an appearance, but fans will just have to wait and see.
Season 4 is nearly here, launching in less than a week, and unless Respawn makes yet another surprise change to the seasonal launch lineup, then Revenant will be the new face on the field. Since Respawn is dividing Season 4 into two halves and bringing back the beloved King’s Canyon map during the second split, many fans theorize that a second Legend could be added for the second half of the season to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the launch of Apex Legends.
While Respawn has made no comment on this, if it is true then Loba would be a great choice, but Forge is also still a possibility according to some fans. Respawn has made a lot of surprise announcements regarding Season 4, so perhaps there are more secrets waiting to be announced. Regardless, Season 4 is nearly here, so fans don’t have much longer to wait.
Apex Legends is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.