In a surprise to Apex Legends fans, the new legend coming in season 4 will not be a killer robot but instead some buff dude with a metal arm.

According to the official preview for Season 4 Assimilation of Apex Legends, the next hero fighting in the Apex Games will be Forge, a man with a cybernetic arm who happens to be built like a pro wrestler, because he was one once, sort of. The new combatant according to Respawn, Apex’s developer, is, “Confident yet humble, Forge uses his size, strength, and heavy-duty Shatter Gauntlets to batter his opponents into submission.”

According to Tom Casiello, writer for Apex Legends, Forge comes to the Apex Games via the Hyper Fighting Federation, the Mixed Martial Arts/Pro Wrestling organization of the Titanfall universe and by extension Apex Legends universe. Forge is also the first legend to be corporate-sponsored. Hammond Robotics, manufacturers of both Titans and MARVNs like Pathfinder, sponsor Forge’s entry to the Apex Games.

As his fighter’s build and cybernetic arm suggest, Forge will be a melee and close-quarters fighter. While there is no official word on Forge’s play style data miners have uncovered some information on his abilities:

  • Pull Shot: Short-range grapple that drags enemies into Forge or can be used to launch him into the air. Ground Slam: Press crouch while airborne to slam Forge into the ground below. K.O. Punch: After jumping in any direction, press crouch while airborne to slam Forge into the ground below. One-Two: Forge rushes forward in a straight line. If Forge hits an enemy along the way, press again to do an upper-cut launching him into the air. On The Ropes: An enhancement to Forge’s melee dealing more damage the lower his health is. Dealing melee damage grants Forge temporary overshield. Victory Rush: Killing a player with a melee attack restores Forge’s health and gives him a 30% speed boost for 10 seconds.

Until this announcement, the Apex fan community expected a different new character to be added to the game. A killer robot called Revenant previously appeared as part of Apex Legends’ Halloween event last year. In addition to Revenant’s previous appearance in the game, a recently uncovered secret on the EA website is fueling rumors of a two-character Season 4 for Apex Legends.

Alongside Forge, a new sniper rifle called the Sentinel is being added to the game and Assimilation marks the start of a new Ranked Series and a new battle pass for players. To mark the one-year anniversary of Apex Legends release players will also receive a free gun charm as a login bonus as part of Season 4.

Source: EA and Newsweek