In Apex Legends Mirage is the Bugs Bunny of the group. His joking personality and willingness to always have a good time is praised and welcomed by several people. It also has a way of rubbing some people the wrong way and coming off as fake or disingenuous.

Mirage doesn’t seem malicious in any way, but who’s to say his attitude doesn’t change the moment he isn’t the center of attention? Often the ones who yearn for jokes or laughter are the ones who need it the most. Here are 10 facts about Apex Legends’ resident joker, Mirage.

10 His Four Brothers

Mirage isn’t an only child which may come as surprise considering he has the personality and energy of one. He was the youngest of 4 boys and was the son of a brilliant engineering mother who has helped him throughout his entire life.

Unfortunately for him, his 3 brothers went missing during the Frontier Wars and he was left as the lone surviving child to his mother. Considering they weren’t found deceased there’s still a possible one if not all of them survived, but only time will tell.

9 The Voice Behind The Jokester

The comedian simply known as Mirage was given his voice by an actor by the name of Roger Craig Smith. Smith would most likely be recognized as the English voice of Sonic the Hedgehog. He also managed to voice DC’s flagship hero Bruce Wayne/Batman in Warner Bros. Montreal’s Batman: Arkham Origins video game.

He’s had a long successful career in entertainment and it’s great to see him lending his voice to the world of Apex Legends. Maybe Mirage will eat a chili dog in a future animated short.

8  His Real Name

Mirage happens to be one of the more naturally cool legends of the Apex Games and his codename matches his abilities and personality. His real name, however, is Elliott Witt.

It’s quite ironic considering at first glance he comes off as a bit of a ditsy joker who’s all performance and no substance. Since his mother is a brilliant engineer, Elliott grew up with technology and likely had a natural intelligence about him. Just because someone is carefree and outgoing doesn’t mean they can’t be intelligent and kind.

7 Age Before Beauty

Mirage is currently 30-years-old and close to experiencing a mid-life crisis. Though he’s a bit on the older side he would likely have competed at a much younger age if he knew about the Apex Games and if his mother had given him the okay to go ahead with it.

Being 30 does give him an advantage considering he’s old enough to have real-world experience while also being young enough to be in the athletic prime of his life. He has the best of both worlds inside King’s Canyon.

6 Home World Tunnel Vision

Mirage is from Solace, which is the planet in which the Apex Games take place. He grew up and eventually worked in Solace City as a bartender and it seems he didn’t learn about the Apex Games taking place in King’s Canyon until he was much older.

It’s unclear if Mirage has ever been off-planet, but it seems his ignorance to things happening on the same planet as him shows that he isn’t exactly cultured or concerned with things happening outside of his immediate vicinity.

5 His Mother And Her Role

When you see a character like Mirage you automatically assume that his parents are either brilliantly intelligent and serious or completely absent from his life. It seems that Mirage’s mother was super intelligent, but understood Mirage’s personality and never forced him to suppress it.

She was an engineer who helped design most of the technology Mirage uses to compete in the Apex Games. Since his 3 brothers perished during the war his bond with his mother only became stronger.

4 His History With Pathfinder

Mirage meets many of the other legends during his time in the Apex Games, but Pathfinder seems to be someone he’s known long before.

It’s unclear how long they’ve known one another but a common idea is that Pathfinder may have wandered into Paradise Lounge in Solace City one day and met Mirage who was a bartender at that establishment. Mirage is so comfortable with his relationship with Pathfinder that he can often be heard sarcastically roasting Pathfinder as a teammate in the Apex Games.

3 Tricked Ya!

Many people who try out Mirage love the fact that he can send out decoys of himself. It helps cause confusion and can give your team a serious upper-hand in firefights. A neat thing about the decoys that a good number of people may not know is that if an enemy shoots and hits one of them their location is immediately revealed to your team.

So not only will you know where the fire of bullets is coming from, you’ll know their exact location. Make sure you’re not on the other end of this mishap because you might feel dumb.

2 Bartender Best Buds

If you’ve ever been to a bar and had a good experience with the bartender it was likely due to how outgoing and welcoming they were. The life of a bartender suited Mirage pretty well and it was exactly what he did before entering King’s Canyon in hopes of competing in the Apex Games.

He bar-tended in Solace City at a place called Paradise Lounge. It’s there where he heard about the Apex Games from his patrons and his interest quickly grew. Once his mother gave him the green light he was off to the races.

1 Last Child Standing

On the surface, Mirage may look like a self-centered guy who only cares about himself. It turns out that he’s quite thoughtful and his fear of his mother losing her only remaining child ate away at him constantly.

It was the main reason he held off on entering the Apex Games. He wanted to make sure his mother was okay with him competing in such a violent and dangerous event. She helped create a lot of the cloaking and duplication technology he uses to set himself apart from the competition.

NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Facts About Healer Extraordinaire, Lifeline