With Season 3 chugging along in Apex Legends, it is time to address the differences that the World’s Edge Map brings with it. The fights seem to take place in one of two locations: wide open fields with limited cover and densely built areas that require vertical gunplay.

Every fight relies heavily on getting the high ground in World’s Edge, making champions that can move a team or distract the enemy higher candidates for success. Similarly, movement through the open areas is a consideration for any team looking to survive into the last few circles. To succeed in the current season, team mobility (and a steady hand) reign supreme in Apex Legends.

10 Octane

Released on the King’s Canyon Map, Octane is a super mobile champion that can get in and out of fights easily. The bulk of play on World’s Edge is either in wide-open areas or in densely built hotspots around the map. With this in mind, octane is a fine choice for traversing great distances, but his speed and ultimate jump pad don’t do much in the way of turning the tide of a fight.

It is far more common for Octane to run away, leaving his teams banners behind, when the 3rd, 4th, and 5th teams show up to an engagement. Octane falls in the last place simply because his movement only benefits one person on the team.

9 Caustic

Gone are the days (for now) of trapping teams inside Bunker with Caustic traps. The open areas make Caustic’s speed an issue for teams, and the large buildings have enough escape routes to mitigate his effectiveness.

Caustic only shines when the circle is small enough to force enemy teams into condensed areas with little to no room around the traps. His position on this list is due to his lack of speed and limited utility in the current map.

8 Crypto

Crypto is the newest addition to the champion roster on Apex Legends. His drone is great for gathering intel, and he can even leave it in the sky to track enemy teams while he is fighting. The EMP that he can offer currently knocks out half of any enemy shields in the area of effect.

As an ultimate ability, it is only useful if the player can immediately engage after the EMP goes off. If the enemy has time to recharge shields, especially with the abundance of golden shields, then it has little impact on the fight. For this reason, Crypto ranks lower on the scale, with his saving grace being the drone intel and ability to open doors from afar for a quick grenade toss.

7 Bloodhound

Another master of intel, Bloodhound feels like he should be higher on the list for how fun he is on World’s Edge. Yet, his scan isn’t always viable if the distance is too great between teams. This happens often in wide-open areas between drop hubs and in city fights where the distance between buildings, or even between the top and bottom floor of the high rises.

The movement boost and thermal sight granted by his Ultimate is powerful enough to win a fight in most cases, while his scans and passive help to keep Bloodhound a contender in World’s Edge.

6 Lifeline

Lifeline can be useful in almost any team comp with her healing ability and her passive. Add to that regular drops of purple armor and she is is a solid choice, even though her playmaking ability is limited. She shines as a support, but the reason she ranks in the bottom half is that she is rarely put to good use.

Hardly ever does a lifeline drop her healing drone and while her shield during revives is great in a pinch, it is also a beacon for enemies that are looking to clean up and move. Her greatest asset is the speed she gets when using heals or reviving, so long as she is using it to keep the team going rather than rushing into the fray with a peacekeeper.

5 Bangalore

Right in the middle, Bangalore is a safe choice, albeit hit or miss for effectiveness. Her smoke can get a team out in a pinch in the open expanses on World’s Edge or be used offensively when coupled with a thermal sight.

The ultimate similarly can be used in the offense or defense to great effect. With her passive, Bangalore is good as an all-around legend to use on World’s Edge with decent results.

4 Mirage

While not team-oriented in kit design (or personality), Mirage excels on the current map because of his decoys and his ability to disappear in a tight spot. The elevation changes make seeing exactly where mirage is difficult, so launching a decoy is a little more believable, especially mid-fight when the enemy is shooting anything that moves.

Mirage’s ultimate is not only a good escape tactic but also can be used to sneak up on an unsuspecting enemy while your team engages from another direction. Mirage makes the top half because of his ability to distract and maneuver around the enemy teams.

3 Gibraltar

A walking tank, what Gibraltar loses in movement speed he makes up for in utility. In a wide-open field or the cities, his shield dome can save a team in distress. The combination of his dome and ultimate can push a team away or invite them into a close-quarters shotgun fight that Gibby will likely win with his gun shield active.

The damage reduction combined with the gun shield makes him a danger at any range and in most situations. His ability to scare people off the high ground with his Ultimate is the icing on the cake for Gibraltar in the current Apex map.

2 Wraith

With void walking capabilities and Dimensional Rift at her disposal, it is not hard to see why Wraith ranks in at number two on a map that requires mobility. Gaining the high ground and escaping a disadvantageous fight is the name of the game on World’s Edge. Phasing out of danger or into a flanking position is where Wraith excels at the individual level.

However, she is most clutch as a team player, granting an escape route via her ultimate in almost any situation. Whether pinned inside a building or trying to escape sniper fire outside in the open, Dimensional Rift is a life-saving ability that puts Wraith above the rest of the champions.

1 Pathfinder

The master of Mobility, Pathfinder is the perfect champion for World’s Edge. He can zipline his team up high (where most gunfights are won) to shoot down on enemies. He can grapple in and out of fights with ease.

His Insider Knowledge passive lets the player plan ahead to maximize positioning. His quips are always hilarious, even when losing to him. In short, MRVN’s ability to traverse the map and allow his team to do the same is what makes him the best option on the World’s Edge map.

NEXT: Apex Legends: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing Season 3’s New Map