In the latest Apex Devstream designers, Jason McCord and Carlos Pineda talk about the new changes coming in the Apex Legends 4.1 update. Season 4 was released in February and with it came the new character Revenant and some gameplay changes. The new update coincides with the new event, called System Overdrive, and brings more changes to the game.

Apex Legends is continuously adding new events and making changes to improve the gameplay. The new System Override event will bring changes that may or may not be permanently implemented going forward. The event has a mode called Deja Loot, in which the same loot is spawned in the same location for the whole day. The ring will also be in the same place for the whole day. An interesting addition to this game mode is the new evo-armor. The evo-armor looks like a normal level-one armor but has a halo around it. It starts off low and levels up as players inflict more damage.

One of the main character changes will be to Bloodhound. He was buffed at the beginning of Season 4, receiving a five-second extension on his Beast of the Hunt ultimate every time he knocked down and enemy. The new buff will increase his scan range threefold to allow him to scan buildings from far. While his scan range has been increased, the activation time has been decreased from 0.4 to 0.8 seconds. This means that it will be harder to use during a fight when time is of the essence.

Crypto and Gibraltar will also be receiving minor changes. There’ve been many complaints of Gibraltars shield being too strong so it will now be reduced from 75 to 50 health. When Crypto sends out his drone, his weapons will now be automatically reloaded. This will help him use his drone faster and allow him to be prepared for the next fight faster.

Other major changes to the game will be to the inventory system. To stop grenade spam, especially at the end of the game, grenade stacks will be reduced from two to one. The base inventory will be increased from eight to ten, but to compensate many loot items will drop their stack sizes. Syringes and shield cells drop from six to four, and medkits and shield batteries go down from three to two. Heavy, light, and energy ammo will also be reduced from 80 to 60.

For this season the ranked mode will also feature a split. The first split is currently running on the World’s End map will end on March 23. The next split will take place on the King’s Canyon map and run until the end of the season on May 5. Another new addition to the game is the introduction of heirloom crafting. Players will be able to earn heirloom shards and be able to craft the heirloom of their choice.

The new changes are sure to spice up the game and keep players invested. While it’s great to see continuous updates to the game, some of them have been hit or miss recently. At least the designers listen to the fans and make changes when needed.

If only they would give Mirage the buff he deserves.

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Source: Youtube